Bernd Scherer
Systemic coaching & mentoring
Conversations in motion
Faster, further, higher!” – Modern life and management often resembles an Iron Man/Woman competition. High performance is expected in different disciplines at the same time, speed is often seen as the only answer to the complex demands of modern business and life.
Work is done always and everywhere, even on vacation. Permanent availability, immediate reaction, the constant presence of digital media.
We can experience, experience and observe this practically every day.
What is coaching & mentoring?
Coaching & Mentoring is based on mutual trust, respect and understanding. The coach & mentor passes on his knowledge and experience to his coachees/mentees. A coach & mentor takes on several roles and tasks at once: he is a role model, advisor, coach, critic and promoter.
Coaching & Mentoring is an effective systemic and holistic counselling model that has been successfully used in a wide range of business and life areas for decades.
The systemic and holistic coaching & mentoring model was successfully established by Bernd Scherer in 1997 together with the Academy for Business Executives and has been continuously updated over the decades.
It does not teach a doctrine, but rather, based on 50 years of realistic and practical experience, it provides information about all the pitfalls in global life, sales, marketing and management, as well as beyond.
Your Intension
Discover and utilise your own resources. Get to know and apply your own competences (orientation, leadership, resource utilisation, error competence, etc.).
Update your global mental and physical fitness. Find new ways to develop plans and ideas and much more.
Your benefit
You will gain access to hidden energy potential and learn to use your resources sparingly but extensively in a holistic way. Your mental openness makes you aware of the demands of the present and the future.
You learn to act according to the situation: relaxed, full of energy or highly concentrated. Your balanced use of energy protects you against performance lows. Burnout and stress-related illnesses do not have to affect you.
Win through personal unique selling points, authenticity, empathy and personality.
Systemic holistic coaching/mentoring architecture, including coach/mentor input, work on your personal situation, etc….
– Individual one-to-one coaching/mentoring
– Individual team coaching/mentoring
– Individual annual coaching (master version)
by individual arrangement
by individual arrangement
Your financial investment
According to desired time frame
4700 Eupen East Belgium,
or by individual agreement
Bernd Scherer 1948 is an expert in business development & work-life integration – from deep conviction and personal experience.
The Author and former competitive athlete has a generalist education, including at Helena Rubinstein New York, Ryf AG Zurich, Pierre Cardin Paris, Jeanne Gatineau Paris, Ted Lapidus Paris. Most recently Director of Key Accounts in the L’oréal Group and Member of the Board of Directors for Sales & Marketing in an international corporate network in Luxembourg.
Head Bernd Scherer Training® since 1997. He is a certified trainer, consultant and coach (e.g. BDVT), Master NLP (e.g. INtem /CVA), as well as a certified trainer for non-violent communication (e.g. IHSDO/CVA). Diploma in Meditation, Do In, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Self-Defence (10th Master degree), Bioenergetics, Business Fitness, ChiWalking, ChiRunning, Street Yoga, Street Workout, Trainer for the Disabled, Senior Citizens and Back Health (including IHSDO/CVA).
Bernd Scherer is a personal consultant in business, sport, media, NGOs, but also in socially sensitive situations.
His attitude
Personality is what is left when you remove a person of their offices, medals and titles.
Global background
General Management, Marketing Management, Sales Management and Health Management.
Business development and work-life integration.
Entrepreneurs, managers, athletes and people of all backgrounds from 18 to 70 plus
IHSDO International Health – and Self-Defense Organization . AZI Association Zen International
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